School Evaluation Summary

This week’s assignment gave me the opportunity to analyze my school district on the technology maturity model. It was interesting to take a step out of my role as a teacher and look at things from the viewpoint of a technology director. I was also able to learn more about the responsibilities schools have in managing their technology resources. It is much more than just making decisions on what technology to adopt. Making sure both teachers and students have not only access but also the knowledge to use the technologies available to them is a very big undertaking.

In my school evaluation assignment I looked specifically at my high school. It was interesting to look through our technology plan and the plans of other school districts in comparison. Working for an online school makes it easy to assume that we are going to be on the cutting edge of technology. Looking at this evaluation there is a lot of room for my school to grow. You can see my finding in my school evaluation and survey at the links below.

School Technology Evaluation

School Technology Survey

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