EdTech Definition Graphic

Januszewski & Molenda define educational technology as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources (2008). This 24 word definition encompasses a lot of different aspects of education. After reading the first chapter of Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary and began … More EdTech Definition Graphic

Tech Trends

The trend that I chose to create an artifact on was related to teacher professional development. Too often during my teacher in-service days I listen to a presenter drone on about a new practice we need to implement in our teaching. I have learned to dread these days, especially after I have attended conferences like … More Tech Trends

RSS In Education

Understanding how RSS works and keeping a series of RSS subscriptions through a website like Feedly is a great way for teachers to quickly and easily stay updated on different websites across the internet. RSS goes beyond simple bookmarking since it also updates you whenever there are changes to your websites you subscribe too. Further, … More RSS In Education

Code of Professional Ethics in Educational Technology

AECT’s Code of professional ethics in educational technology is a broad guide for how technology should best be used in educational settings. My learning of how AECT’s code was developed and applied was first done through reading chapter 11 of Educational Technology: a Definition with Commentary (Junuszewski and Molenda, 2008) and then participating in an … More Code of Professional Ethics in Educational Technology